Summer Fun!

Happy _____day!!!

Here are some sites to GREAT music camps that you should consider for the summer. They are in no particular order. :-D


Happy ____________day!

All of the concerts are finished and I would like to say GREAT JOB! Everyone performed well and we appreciate the work you have been doing on your own. :-D

Keep playing - discover what new sounds and rhythms you can make on your instrument. See how long you can hold a single pitch.
Brass players (trumpets and French Horns) keep buzzing with your lips (How many songs can YOU buzz?). :-O
Saxophones - how fast can you say "tea time", then add to it - "tea time took", then "tea time took two" etc. Keeping expanding the silly sentence, beginning each word with the letter "t". Do the same with letter "d". This will develop your articulation. (Brass players should also do this). ;-)

Grade 8 Band - You are doing a fine job with the Memorial Day music. Please focus on the sections we discussed in class (you should have circled them on your music), particularly when there are accidentals. Be aware of the key and when the key changes.


To the 6th Grade students who participated in the Westport Community Band Concert last night.

There are no new playing assignments.

Happy ___________day!

In response to some questions I've been getting, there will be no NEW playing assignments (yes, you must still play the required scales) due to the upcoming concerts. You are playing well but please remember to make notes on your music regarding difficult parts you need to practice while home.

Problems With the Voicemail???

Hi Everyone-

There have been issues, particularly during heavy rain, when the phone answering system has not been working. Thank you for trying to call and letting me know when this has happened.

However, due to the number of students who call on Saturday, some of you have not been able to leave your scale assignments. Let me repeat what I've said in class - Please do not wait until Saturday to call with your scales. Try to make time during the week to call/email at least one of them.

Performance Repertoire Requirement

In addition to the weekly scale requirement, you have until midnight Saturday, March 27, 2010 to receive credit.

You will be assessed according to the Lesson Sheet we use in class. (See the copy in the blog archive - 2007)

Although the use of a metronome is not required, I STRONGLY recommended using one (there is one in the iPas software). Remember - Speed is NOT important, this activity is to develop and enhance your muscle memory. Be aware of which key you are playing in the song.

When calling state your name and instrument. Call (203) 762-8388 X5017.

As an alternative, you may record your performance of the song and email it to me using your computer. This may be done using the iPas software that comes with your Standard of Excellence Book OR using any recording software that is installed on your computer OR using a separate recording device then transferring it to the computer. Attach each scale as a separate sound file, attach them to an email and send it to

Grade 6 Saxes: "To the Pied Piper"
Grade 6 Trumpets: "Phantom Regiment"
Grade 7 Saxes: "Music For A Celebration"
Grade 7 Brass: "Festiva Espana"

BAND 3rd Quarter Scale Requirements

You have 1 full week to submit your best performance for each of the scale patterns listed below. Final submission must be made by midnight Saturday for each week to receive credit. Each pattern is worth a maximum of 3 points (1 point = all pitches performed correctly, 1 point = the correct rhythmic pattern was performed, 1 point = the scale pattern was performed at a consistent tempo). Although the use of a metronome is not required, I STRONGLY recommended using one (there is one in the iPas software). Remember - Speed is NOT important, this activity is to develop and enhance your muscle memory.

When calling state your name, instrument and the scale(s) you will be playing. Call (203) 762-8388 X5017.

As an alternative, you may record your performance of the scales and email them to me using your computer. This may be done using the iPas software that comes with your Standard of Excellence Book OR using any recording software that is installed on your computer OR using a separate recording device then transferring it to the computer. Attach each scale as a separate sound file, attach them to an email and send it to

Grade 6: C Major F Major G Major Bb Major D Major
Grade 7: C Major F Major G Major Bb Major D Major Eb Major
A Major